Monday, August 25, 2008
Drilling Boom Revives Hopes For Natural Gas

Portland Gym Generates Electricity

12 States Sue EPA Over Refinery Carbon Emissions

Global Warming Time Bomb Trapped In Arctic Soil

First Mass Crossing for Hydrogen Cars Completed

Three Pandas Born As Olympics Come To An End

Deforestation A Key Concern At UN Climate Talks
Denmark Approves 400 MW Offshore Windmill Park
S Korea Announces Discount Scheme To Fight Global Warming

Christians See Climate Change as Moral Issue

Norway Eyes Eco Investment Role For Wealth Fund
UN Climate Talks Split Over Carbon Trading
Friday, August 22, 2008
Brazil Says US should exploit offshore oil resources

Fractures in arctic ice worry scientists

Are Smokestacks The Fuel of The Future?
China Besting US On Green Tech
West Africa's Coastline Redrawn By Climate Change

Climate Conference Makes Progress On Key Dispute

Flat Screen TV Gasses May Be Added To Climate Fight

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Queen Elizabeth's Balmoral Estate Goes Green

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Bloomberg Wants NYC To Become Clean Power Generator

Hydrogen Could Soon Make Existing Cars Cleaner

The Guardian reports that Hrein Energy, a Japanese start-up company, is proposing to supply technology within three years that would retrofit existing cars with tiny hydrogen generators that work off the car exhaust and supplement existing combustion, resulting in a clean burn. (Photo: Getty/Guardian)
Could Bicycle Lanes Cause More Pollution?
Bubble Wrap Could Be The Green Future
LiveScience reports on the environmentally friendly material that surrounds the National Aquatics Center in Beijing - a light-weight polymer foil called ETFE that significantly reduces the energy that goes into construction, can hold in light and heat, and is both easily repaired and incredibly strong. (Photo: Agence France-Presse)
Study Says Birds Can't Keep Up With Climate Change

California Says Hybrid Cars Are Bad For The Blind

Support For Climate Change Proposals May Be Rising Among US Investors
Environmentalists Claim Global Warming Threatens Small Mammal
Dozens of Companies Bid For Gulf Shore Oil Leases
The Associated Press reports that the US Interior Department has received 423 bids from 47 companies to explore nearly two million acres of the western Gulf of Mexico for oil and natural gas, though no offers were made for 90 percent of the acreage on the auction block.
EPA To Cite Five Midwest States For Pollution
The Associated Press reports that the US Environmental Protection Agency has accused counties in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin of violating a new pollution standard for tiny soot particles that can cause respiratory distress in children and the elderly.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Court Says EPA Air Pollution Rule Is Illegal
The Associated Press reports that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit threw out a two-year-old Bush administration rule barring states and local governments from requiring more air pollution monitoring, declaring the rule illegal.
Arsenic In Drinking Water Linked To Diabetes
One Third Of American Schools Within Pollution Danger Zone

McCain Strengthens Call For More Offshore Drilling
Floods Raise Disease Risks In West Africa
Warming Climate Threatens Alaska's Forests

Pollution From Ships Causing Thousands of Deaths

Australian PM Urges US To Take More Climate Change Action

Japan Will Label Goods' Carbon Footprint

African Sun Helps Light Up The Evening Hours

Reuters reports that the launch of the Lighting Africa program by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation has made it possible for many Africans to extend hours of study, reading or leisure by swapping kerosene lamps for a solar-powered LED lanterns that consume almost no power.
Google Invests $10 Million In Geothermal Technology

Reuters reports that Google Inc. plans to invest more than $10 million in a breakthrough geothermal energy technology, which circulates water through hot rocks in the ground, producing steam to power a turbine. (Photo: Reuters)
Toxic Indian Festival Idols Poison Waterways

Spanish Government Vows Strong Action On Leak

Beijing Enjoys Cleanest Air In A Decade

Wildfire Races Across Eastern Washington State
Anti-Regulation Aide In Line For Top DOE Job

Monday, August 18, 2008
Yale Student Builds Herself An Environmentally Friendly Lodging

With $11,000, an incoming graduate student at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies is building an environmentally friendly 8 by 18 foot "Tiny House" to live in while at school - all completely solar-powered and made almost completely from green, recyclable, used, and leftover parts.
Colorado Pressages National Debate Over Renewable Power

Despite a continuing boom, oil and gas companies in Colorado are on the defensive, spending heavily as they try to prevent the repeal of as much as $300 million in annual tax breaks and fighting against new regulations designed to protect wildlife and public health.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Solar Stocks No Longer Too Expensive

GM Will Finalize Electric Car Design By Year's End

Mitsubishi Will Support Brunei Solar Project

Psychologists Determine What It Means To 'Think Green'
Going Green Registers With Colleges

Slower Economy Saps Climate Action
African Companies Begin To Fight Climate Change

With global warming expected to hit Africa hard, some companies in the "forgotten continent" are taking action themselves to fight climate change. (Photo: Reuters)
Man Makes Environmental Statement By Refusing to Throw Away Garbage

High Prices Drive More Extraction of Fossil Fuels
Rising Acidity Might Kill Sea Species

'Dead Zones' Quickly Spreading Over Globe

Thursday, August 14, 2008
NY Needs $50 Billion To Protect Waters Supply

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dispute Raises Doubts Over Amazon Dams

France's Reunion Island Aims for Zero CO2

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
US, Canada Will Map Arctic Seabed
Bush Seeks To Limit Endangered Species Law

Monday, August 11, 2008
Cattails Planted To Save Sinking Delta Islands

Geothermal Popularity Rises As Oil Prices Remain High
Giant Retailers Look To Sun For Energy Savings

Sweden Rolls Out New High-Speed Green Train on Old Tracks
Yao Ming Becomes UN Environment Campaigner

U.S. Ship Heads for Arctic to Define Territory